Try our innovative new methodology on how to measure, assess, and manage RISK within supply chains.

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Data Cleansing

SCRM intro

Managing RISK is about managing opportunities as well as threats. Hence, with SCRM the goal is to make decisions that leverage opportunities while mitigating threats.

SCRM Survey

Begin your journey on SCRM by completing the Self-Assessment survey, and come to a step closer in understanding the full potential of your supply chain.

Datacleansing Part 01
Datacleansing Part 01

SCRM Survey

Begin your journey on SCRM by completing the Self-Assessment survey, and come a step closer in understanding the full potential of your supply chain.

Datacleansing Part 01

Climate Risk Disclosure

Our future depends on the climate, and your company can act on it! Our platform will support you to measure CO2 emissions, on your end-to-end supply chain, and assist you in developing the necessary climate risk disclosure & reporting, so that you can make a positive impact in the environment today!

Mapping & Modelling

With our modelling tool you will also be able to view in powerful maps and flowcharts, where opportunities and threats impact your end-to-end supply chain. Model, the behaviour of your supply chain on numerous risks, and proactively safeguard your supply chain.

SCRM Company Programme

To achieve faster tangible results cross-country and company-wide, you will need to involve and train your employees. Contact us to discuss more how we could support you in developing a Full SCRM Programme, customised to your needs.